Cleaning with products containing soap or detergent reduces germs on surfaces by removing contaminants and decreases risk of infection from surfaces.
If no one with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 has been in a space cleaning once a day is usually enough to remove virus that may be on surfaces. This also helps maintain a healthy facility.
Disinfecting using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s List N disinfectants kills any remaining germs on surfaces, which further reduces any risk of spreading infection.
You may want to either clean more frequently or choose to disinfect in addition to cleaning in shared spaces if the space:
If a sick person or someone who tested positive for COVID-19 has been in your facility within the last 24 hours, you should clean AND disinfect the space.
AHE Designated Trainer: Certified Health Care Environmental Services Technician (T-CHEST)
Issued by American Hospital Association
Professionals who are designated Trainers of the Certified Health Care Environmental Services Technician (T-CHEST) program have earned the ability to train frontline technicians and others in areas of: infection prevention & control, cart setup & chemical handling, occupied, unoccupied, discharge & transfer patient room protocols, common & specialty areas, as well as uncommon situations.